Right communication with CZMVO can help resolve alerts

Did you know that the right communication with CZMVO can help you resolve alerts in a timely manner?


There are over 3 thousands registered pharmacies in the Czech Republic. Some generate alerts on a regular basis, others less frequently or sporadically.

If you are having difficulties managing your alerts via AMS, we are always happy to provide assistance. However, in order for us to resolve a specific alert effectively, we need a proper identification.

Some time ago we posted an information on our sites about a UPRC (Unique Pack Return Code), which is an identification number for each alert in CZMVS.


This information is only available to some end users (pharmacies, wholesalers) depending on the information system they use.

In case the alert UPRC (mostly in the form of CZ-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX) is unknown to you, you can provide other information that will help us identify your particular case such as Alert date, Location name, Location address etc.

You can also send us a picture of the pack, submit the human readable values of the unique identifier (PC, SN, LOT EXP) or the name of the drug.

Any such hint will facilitate the whole process and lead to a faster resolution of your alert.



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