EU Hub Release 1.14: Planned deployment dates for ITE, IQE & PRD

CZMVO team communicates information from EMVO:

EU Hub Release 1.14: Planned deployment dates for ITE, IQE & PRD

EMVO can now officially announce the deployment dates for Release 1.14 of the EU Hub: 

  • ITE currently planned for 20th October 2023;
  • IQE currently planned for 27th October 2023;
  • PRD currently planned for 27th January 2024; this date could change following the outcome of the Interoperability testing (IOT).

10-minute downtime is expected during the deployment in ITE and IQE. The downtime can occur anytime between 09:00 CEST and 17:00 CEST. Due to the nature of the deployment, EMVO is not able to indicate the exact downtime slot.

Be informed that with the deployment of the EU Hub Release 1.14, the 'CR_13062: Remove Retrospective Upload for already long on-boarded markets' will be implemented which will remove the retrospective upload for already long on-boarded markets. 

Consequently, the EU Hub will no longer accept retrospective upload of Product Master Data (PMD) which includes any changes in the Target Markets unless the OBP needs to add the market of Greece and/or Italy. Any other data will still be available for modification, if needed. 

OBPs can update the PMD with the addition/deletion of markets by creating a new PMD version. To find out more about the upcoming changes, please consult this overview.

For further information regarding the items covered in the Release 1.14, please check out the Release Note, which together with the Software Development Kit (SDK) and other Technical Documentation associated with Release 1.14 will be available end of October in the Technical Information Pack on the OBP Portal. 

EMVO will inform you when Release 1.14 has been successfully deployed in ITE and IQE.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact EMVO Helpdesk.


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