CZMVS Status

Current status of CZMVS

  • Fully functional
  • Available with restrictions
  • Unavailable

CZMVS is now fully functional running without limits.

Important information


Short-term system weakness

NOOL report on system functionality on 30th March 2020 CZMVS recorded delay in response, which may be related to EU HUB problems in communication with…


Planed downtime of CZMVS

Please note that on Thursday, December 12th, 2019, from 8:00 pm to approximately 12:00 pm, NSOL will not be available (Production Environment).…


Planed downtime of CZMVS

Please note that on Wednesday, October 29, 2019, from 8:00 pm to approximately 12:00 pm, NSOL will not be available (Production Environment). Therefore,…


Short performance slowness of system

Today, 9. October 2019, between 14:30 and 15:30 Solidsoft Reply (SSR) has noticed, and had reports of system performance slowness across the National…

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