CZMVS Status

Current status of CZMVS

  • Fully functional
  • Available with restrictions
  • Unavailable

CZMVS is now fully functional running without limits.

Important information


Short-term NSOL outage!

There were outages in the connectivity to the NSOL system (throughout Europe) today (1st Jnauary 2021) from 00:00am to about 2:30pm . EU-HUB was…


Planed downtime NSMVS

Please note that the planned shutdown of NSOL (PROD environment) will take place on Tuesday, November 9th, 2020, from 8pm to approximately 12pm.…


Planed downtime NSMVS

Please note that on Tuesday, May 5th, 2020, from 8:00 pm to approximately 12:00 pm, NSOL will not be available (Production Environment). Therefore, it…

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